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AdNozzles are ‘best fit’ in campaign against drink driving

There were a vast range of media formats available to us for promoting this message, but AdNozzles were the best fit as they enabled us to target 100% motorists and every interaction took place during a journey, including those that were on the way to a night out.In that quiet moment where each person filled up their vehicle, we intended this message to empower them to say no to alcohol when they are driving. There are numerous reasons why people think that it’s ok to drink alcohol and then get behind the wheel, without considering the devastating consequences that could follow. Our creative highlighted what could be lost as a direct result of drink-driving: license, job or even life, which prompted people to think about the bigger picture.This campaign enabled us to speak to thousands of people and was so well-received that we will be planning AdNozzles as a core part of our ongoing activity.

Keith Griffiths
Road Safety Manager at Carmarthenshire County Council