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What a result 1,500 new members for Buzz Gym Reading

What a result – 1,500 new members! Here’s how we did it… We were opening Buzz Gym Reading at a time when other gyms were also opening up in the area so we had to stand out from our competition. We chose a combination of AdNozzles, AdGates and AdBarriers in our local area as we felt they would deliver the point of difference we were looking for. AdNozzles worked really well for us as they were located at a petrol forecourt just around the corner from Buzz Gym. AdGates at our local station really helped to build brand awareness among rail commuters. AdBarriers in our local car park enabled us to target people coming into the area to tell them that Buzz Gym was opening there.We tracked the campaign carefully to see where people heard about Buzz Gym and people frequently said they had seen our advertising on the AdNozzles, AdGates or AdBarriers. We saw an amazing 1,500 new members sign up before we had even opened as a direct result of our advertising on AdGates which was a massive achievement for us!

Beckie Cotton
Sales and Marketing Manager at Buzz Gym Reading